Surfing the sea of cyberspace, you hear the gulls laughing...

Hey there! Welcome to my little home on the web. With the direction the internet at large seems to be taking, I thought it was worth relearning a skill and returning to my roots! Happy to be here.

This site is massively under construction, so if something doesn't work, don't panic! I'm still very new to HTML/CSS, especially after not using it for over a decade. I'm planning for this to be a long-term project that I slowly chip away at. Eventually, I'd like this to become a directory for my creativity and a sort of documentation of my interests. Hope you enjoy your stay!


- dithered all images on the second life page to make it faster to load, added date subtitles!
- changed font, added more buttons to links and other minor tweaks across site!
- second life page updated with avatar photos!
- music player added to the bottom with a somewhat thematic playlist for the website!
